Sunday, December 28, 2008
Aahh... How we crave for the holiday......

Thursday, December 25, 2008

To everyone out there having fun getting their presents from 'santa'.... Have funn!!!
Rolling Stones - Emotional R (In Flagranti Edit)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ari and Angga will be playing on the 20th of Decembre....
They will be playing some wicked disco, and obscure balearic tunes... make sure you come.
Being inspirational and sparks local music industry.
MassiveWhat views music as a wide variety of sound and style that spreads all around us. All we need to do is hear them, learn, provide them, and sometimes compose them into something different, fun, and eventually becoming inspirational. We strive to inspire people to become nothing but skeptical towards variety of music, to spark our local music industry into a more creative cycle rather than just following the trend, and connecting generations through wide variety of good music through-out time.
One of the important reason why we fight our existence in music industry, is because of the connection we are trying to keep alive between music composer, musicians, disc jockey, and the audience. Because those aspects are the main foundation for us to become part of the stronger future local music industry in Indonesia.
Company roots.
We trace our earliest roots in 2006 as three friends who are Art students in Jakarta, Indonesia. Three of us were intensely discussing on the local variety of music and events, soon after we develops our connection through music, as if our different yet clicking personalities can be reflected towards our taste on music. Since then, we have always been inspired by music talks that we constantly have. As a humble music listener three of us agreed to form a music provider organization, and from that day on MassiveWhat stands and become stronger from constant learning. Our motto is “Never stop learning, and sharing”.
Although, at that moment we only have a skill in playing records (DJs), we never stop learning about music, and as result we produce a band Freedom of Choice, that are formed by one of the three original member of MassiveWhat with other friends we connects through music. MassiveWhat will never stop learning to give people inspirations.
Our work.
We recognize the world’s music as wide variety of sound, style and in-depth history. That is why MassiveWhat will never stop to learn and inspire people with our progressing selection of music. We also continually plans and acts on music programs by developing our knowledge, and always open for alliance in making a greater cause for our local music industry.